Serbian Association of Small Animal Veterinary Practitioners (UVMPS/SASAP) is open for all veterinarians with interest in small animal practice.
UVMPS/SASAP is the only professional organization in Serbia exclusively dedicated to small animal veterinary medicine.
SASAP members have access to following benefits:
- A discount registration fee for all SASAP CPD program
- A free of charge SASAP bulletin twice a year
- Special conditions for SASAP publishing
- A reduced fee for continuous education courses organized by SASAP partners
- FECAVA membership (Federation of European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations)
- WSAVA membership (World Small Animal Veterinary Association)
- Reduced fee for all FECAVA and WSAVA meetings
- Free access to FECAVA and WSAVA magazines
- Latest news from FECAVA and WSAVA
- An active participation within all professional sections, working groups on SASAP projects
- Creative communication and exchange of professional information
- Possibility to express ideas, suggestions, and initiatives how to improve small animal working environment
- The possibility to actively interact with the changing professional milieu of small practice veterinarians
- Taking part in the standardization of its own praxis
- Regular updating of information relevant for small animal clinical practice
Membership fee for year 2025 is 50 EUR.
For payment in EUR please see the following bank instruction.